Paintology Help & Guide

Draw Tools – Brush

Draw Tools – Brush

Draw Tools – Background Color

Draw Tools – Background Color

featured paintology overview - vguide

Paintology Overview – Video Guide

Paintology Overview – Video Guide

vguide block coloring

Block Coloring – Rapid coloring and drawing!

Block Coloring – Rapid coloring and drawing!

vguide - importing images

Importing Images – Video Guide

Importing Images – Video Guide

vguides - drawing tools

Using Drawing Tools – Video Guides

Using Drawing Tools – Video Guides

vguides - tutorials

Using Tutorials – Video Guides

Using Tutorials – Video Guides

vguide - using community

Using Community – Video Guide

Using Community – Video Guide

vguide save drawing

Saving your Drawings – Video Guide

Saving your Drawings – Video Guide

vguide - create a brush

Create a Brush – Video Guide

Create a Brush – Video Guide

Help guide - learn overlay drawing

Using Overlay Drawing – Video Guide

Watch this video to learn how you can use the overlaid image feature on the paintology app. This is the second video in a series of 4.

Using Trace Drawing – Video Guide

Watch this video to learn how you can use the tracing feature for an overlaid image on the paintology app. This is the third video in a series of 4.

Do a Trace Drawing – Practice

This is a trace drawing practice session with video.

Do an overlay drawing – YT video

This is an overlay drawing that will have the toggle button showing.

Example – Do trace drawing

This is an example of a trace drawing that user can do in the video guide.

Example – Do overlay drawing

This example is without the video, let’s see how it works. 16May23

This is a new guide made on 12May23 for redirection link test

This will be the descriptive test here. Ferdouse

Sharing your Drawing

An in-depth video which explains to you how you can use the paintology app to simultaneously create your own strokes tutorial, and then share them with family and friends. They will be able to follow your work stroke by stroke and give you any feedback.

Learn how to Paint by Numbers

Watch this video to learn how you can learn to paint by numbers on the paintology app. This is the last video in a series of 4.

Resources – Social/Links – Paintology

Here you will find all the links to the Paintology sites, including social sites, video channels etc. Please visit and follow anyone of them, it will help us to get the traffic that we are seeking. Download Paintology app: Happy Painting & Drawing!

Contact Us!

There are many reasons you want to contact us and we want to feel that we have you covered. Please use the link to submit your questions, requests or any other information that you have regarding this app. We are always striving to improve our product to offer you the best experience possible! Please click Read More

Using the brush tool

In this video we are going to show you how to use the brush tool of the Paintology app. This tool is accessible from the right side of your drawing canvas along with other drawing tools. With the brush tool the canvas is our window to the world of creativity. We can use this brush Read More

Using the Paintology Digital Canvas – Quick Guide

The Paintology painting application is a fairly simple but a powerful application that comes integrated with your Digital Canvas. It will allow you to create numerous paintings and drawings with the powerful tools available and extend your creative abilities. It has a very intuitive interface that takes less than a minutes to get going and Read More